GVBB-Kadertraining Jonathan Knowles



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[ux_image id=”http://www.jonathan-knowles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/GVBB-Jonathan-Knowles-Muscle-Activation-Techniques-part-three.jpg” image_size=”thumbnail”]


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[ux_image id=”http://www.jonathan-knowles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/GVBB-Jonathan-Knowles-Muscle-Activation-Techniques-part-one.jpg” image_size=”thumbnail”]




[title text=”Step #1- Range of Motion (ROM)” style=”bold”]


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The first step of the player analysis process is assessing range of motion (ROM). More specifically, I was looking at asymmetrical range of motion. Asymmetry in range of motion may indicate where the body has a fault in movement and can be the greatest tool we have to discover the root cause of the problem. For example, if a player complains of pain in the shoulder, I would begin comparing the movement quality and the range of motion in the different planes of motion for both shoulders.


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[ux_image id=”http://www.jonathan-knowles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Left-Side-Range-of-Motion-Jonathan-Knowles.jpg” image_size=”thumbnail”]

Left Side | R.O.M.


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[ux_image id=”http://www.jonathan-knowles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Right-Side-Range-of-Motion-Jonathan-Knowles.jpg” image_size=”thumbnail”]

Right Side | R.O.M.


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The shoulder with the limited range of motion is the one that needs to be further assessed. It is important to state, it is not always the painful joint that shows the limited range of motion. In addition, a limitation in range of motion may appear in other joints. For example, a player who is currently experiencing shoulder pain, may show limitation at the joints of the foot or trunk and spine with both of the shoulder joints being symmetrical.



[title text=”Step #2- K-Vest Analysis” style=”bold”]


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The K-VEST TPI 3D Edition is a state of the art wireless motion analysis “engine” that is specifically designed to measure golf swing motion and efficiency using a respected biomechanics principle called the Kinematic Sequence. The only way to measure the efficiency of a golf swing is with 3D Motion Capture. With 3D motion capture we can see how the body moves, dynamically, during the golf swing. The objective information is then used to quantify the swing efficiency of a player. A combination of exercises and motor pattern changes are used to support physical strength, mobility, or stability. Once the player has a feel for the mechanics, they are then able to create a golf swing that is more efficient. The end goal is more distance through efficient use of the body and/or improved ball flight precision.


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[ux_image id=”http://www.jonathan-knowles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/K-Vest-3d-Jonathan-Knowles.jpg” image_size=”thumbnail”]



[title text=”Step #3- Hi- Speed Video Analysis” style=”bold”]


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With the high speed video data, coaches can make accurate conclusions based on the player’s movement patterns. Based on these patterns, coaches can then begin to build a plan for the most important movement skill(s) identified.


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[title text=”Step #4- TrackMan” style=”bold”]


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With TrackMan Optimizer technology the teaching professional and the fitness professional can identify the player’s club head speed, ball speed, and distance potential. After the data is recorded, the coaching staff can then identify which method they would like use to achieve the goal. This process considers the following: clubfitting, swing technique, biomechanics, and physical body strength. Once the solution is selected, the players and coaches can work efficiently towards a specific outcome.


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[ux_image id=”http://www.jonathan-knowles.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/TrackMan-Golf-Optimizer-Jonathan-Knowles.jpg” image_size=”thumbnail”]



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